NYTTS Turtle and Tortoise Show 2003
Best In Show Trophy Michael Musnick, group:* 5 black-breasted leaf turtles, Geoemyda spengleri
Diane-Michele Petrillo (1st runner up), pair: Home’s hingeback tortoises, Kinixys homeana
Peter Brynildson, group: 4 Middle Eastern spur-thighed tortoises, Testudo graeca terristris
Mariette Bailey, diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin
Cathy Chow, Middle Eastern spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca terristris
Sheri Greenspan, Central Asian (Russian) tortoise, Testudo horsfieldii
Sylivia & Charlie Hyman, leopard tortoise, Geolchelone pardalis babcocki
Sylivia & Charlie Hyman, group: 3 Florida softshell turtles, Trionyx ferox
Diane-Michele Petrillo, group: 3 (Jordanian) spur-thighed tortoises, Testudo graeca
Akemi Okamoto, group: Chinese box turtle, Cuora flavomarginata; Middle Eastern spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca; and yellow-footed tortoise, Geochelone denticulata
Dan O'Malley, red-footed tortoise, Geochelone carbonaria
Sara Ramos, yellow-footed tortoise, Geochelone denticulata
Chris Santoro, common (Florida) cooter, Pseudemys floridana
Frank Schneider, leopard tortoise, Geolchelone pardalis babcocki
Bob Seaver, Chinese box turtle, Cuora flavomarginata
Michael Sherwin, group: Asian leaf turtle, Cyclemys dentata; spotted turtle, Clemmys guttata; Malayan box turtle, Cuora amboinensis
Gary Weiler, pair: red-footed tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria
![]() Second Place Red Ribbons Leslie Fagen, black-breasted leaf turtle, Geoemyda spenglerii
Leslie Fagen, group: 4 three-toed box turtles, Terrapene carolina triunguis
Allen P. W. Karen, group: 3 Central Asian (Russian) tortoises, Testudo horsfieldii
Allen P. W. Karen, group: scorpion mud turtle, Kinosternon scorpoides; and chaco tortoise, Geochelone chilensis
Diane Lapson, group: western painted turtle, Chysemys picta bellii; false map turtle, Graptemys pseudogeographica; and red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans
Deborah Machalow, 2 yellow-bellied sliders, Trachemys scripta scripta
Kay Martin, pair: Chinese box turtles, Cuora flavomarginata
Linda Miller, 2 red-eared sliders, Trachemys scripta elegans
Frank Schneider, Central Asian (Russian) tortoise, Testudo horsfieldii
Frank Schneider, big-headed turtle, Platysternum megacephalum
Jeff Sherman, eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina carolina
JoAnn Vacchiano, group: yellow pond turtle, Mauremys mutica; Chinese broad-headed pond turtle, Chinemys megalocephala; and red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans
Jen Warren & Jeff Edelson, 2 red-eared sliders, Trachemys scripta elegans
Gary Weiler, 2 red-footed tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria
Randye Wolf, Chinese box turtle, Cuora flavomarginata
![]() Third Place White Ribbons Charlie Christiansen, leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis babcocki
Cynthia Fagen, elongated tortoise, Geochelone elongata
Shari Greenspan, Chinese three-keeled pond (Reeve’s) turtle, Chinemys reveesii
Sylvia & Charlie Hyman, Mississippi map turtle, Graptemys pseudogeographica kohnii
Kay Martin, group: 3 red-footed tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria; Asia Minor spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca ibera; and elongated tortoise, Indotestudo elongata
Kay Martin, red-cheeked mud turtle, Kiinosternon scorpoides cruentatum
Kay Martin, river cooter, Pseudemys concinna
Diane-Michele Petrillo, leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis babcocki
Diane-Michele Petrillo, (Jordanian) spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca
Sara Ramos, yellow-footed tortoise, Geochelone denticulata
Frank Schneider, leopard tortoise, Geochelone pardalis babcocki
Frank Schneider, group: 3 common spider tortoises, Pyxis arachnoides
Frank Schneider, Egyptian tortoise, Testudo kleinmanni
Michael Sherwin, four-eyed turtle, Sacalia quadriocellata
Nina Sherwin, common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina
* Note: Ribbons may be awarded to a group of turtles, such as a breeding pair with hatchlings or to a member’s collection of mixed species, when merited.
Click here for the 2003 Show Photo Galleries.
The New York Turtle and Tortoise Society thanks Dr. Bill McCord Judge for the Turtle and Tortoise Show 2003. Click here for the 2003 Children’s Poster Contest winners.