The New York Turtle and Tortoise Society

The New York Turtle and Tortoise Society, Inc., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the conser­vation, preservation of habitat, and the promotion of proper husbandry and captive propagation of turtles and tortoises. The Society emphasizes the education of its members and the public in all areas relevant to the appreciation of these unique animals. Donations to the Society are tax deductible and can be made online
with your credit card by clicking the Donate button, or by sending a check payable to NYTTS, to NYTTS Donations, 15 Oakwood Avenue, Fl. 1, White Plains, NY 10605. Visit NYTTS on Facebook.

About NYTTS Join Meetings Seminars Annual Shows Links Care/Veterinarians News & Past Events

Introducing Turtles of North America, a documentary series by Ari Taub

The first of the series, The Spotted Turtles of New England, will be shown at our next meeting on February 23.

Your donation provides funding to complete the latest episode. See PAYPAL PLEDGE

Next NYTTS Meeting:

The Spotted Turtles of New England
A documentary film by Ari Taub

Sunday, February 23, 1:00 p.m.
Prime Produce, 424 West 54th Street, Manhattan

Mike Graziano, Ecologist and Conservationist; Ruben Rodas, Director of Photography;
and Ari Taub, Director/Producer

The film features prominent turtle scientist Bob Cook, turtle ecologist and conservationist Mike Graziano; and Nantucket Conservation Foundation’s Karen Beattie, Director of Science and Stewardship; and Danielle O’Dell, Wildlife Research Ecologist.

Bob Cook

Mike Graziano

Karen Beattie

Danielle O’Dell
Ari Taub has been working in the film industry for over 30 years. His feature films and shorts have been screened around the world, and he has won numerous awards. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Film and Television from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. His work has been covered by Roger Ebert, the Los Angeles Times, and the Holly­wood Reporter. Ari has received over fifty awards for the films he has di­rected, and he has worked with stars, including Harrison Ford, Dudley Moore, Sandra Bernhard, Edward Furlong, and Eric Roberts.
     Ari has had an interest in ecology and turtles since he was a kid. This is his first entry into documentary filmmaking. He is a long-standing member of the NYTTS and is proud to pre­sent his turtle work here.

The Venue

Prime Produce, 424 West 54th Street,
between 9th and 10th Avenues
(capture from Google Earth Street View)

Sunday street parking should be possible.
Nearby Parking Garage at:
511 West 54th, between 10th and 11th Avenues

Nearest Subway:
59th Street, Columbus Circle, A-B-C-D-1 trains
50th Street and 8th Avenue, C and E trains

Go to the Turtle Survival Alliance Annual Symposium

Bob Zappalorti’s New Book — The Bog Turtle, and ARC’s Bog Turtle Program

This book provides in-depth natural history in­formation on Bog Turtles, including their taxo­nomic back­ground, survival tactics, predators, reproductive biology, foraging habits and diet, habitat preferences, hibernation stategies, and conservation. Zappalorti will take you on a step-by-step journey to explore the life of this small and interest­ing turtle. Wel­come to the secret world of the Bog Turtle.

The Bog Turtle is available in paperback for $29.95, or for the limited-edition leather-bound copy for $79.95. To order, Click here.

Photo © José Garrido

Today, the Bog Turtle is in grave danger. Loss of ha­bitat and demand for the pet trade repre­sent se­vere threats. See the Amphibian and Reptile Conser­vancy’s program on the southern popula­tion of Bog Turtles, Small Turtles, Big Future...

“This generation isn’t going to want to preserve the environment if
they haven’t been a part of it. You only value and protect what you love.”

J.J. Apodaca, the Executive Director of ARC, presents “Protecting What We Love.”
View the ARC blog at and sign up for their newsletter at the bottom of the page.

The Last Female Giant Yangtze Softshell Turtle Dies.

Over the past decade we have followed the Giant Yangtze Softshell Turtle in Hoàn Kiêm Lake in Hanoi and the nearly tireless efforts by turtle biologists to breed the remaining three individuals. At the 2017 NYTTS Annual Seminar, Wildlife Conser­vation Society Chief Veterinarian Paul Calle presented his Yangtze Giant Soft­shell Turtle (Rafetus swinhoei) Reproduc­tion Update. Now that the last remaining female has died, the species is on the brink of extinc­tion unless another female can be found.

See the Time magazine article “An Ex­tremely Rare, Revered Reptile Is on the Brink of Extinction After Last Female Dies”.

Saluting Our Own Lorri Cramer, Director of the NYTTS Turtle Rehab Program

When authorities find sick or illegally obtained turtles in New York City, Lorri Cramer is one of the first people they call. As a wildlife rehabilitator, Cramer nurses the little guys back to health until they are ready to be released in the wild. Over the past 30 years, she has taken care of thousands of turtles from her Manhattan apartment.

Sea Turtle Evolution

Sea Turtles represent an ancient lineage of reptiles with a complex evolutionary history stretching back over hundreds of millions of years - in this video we're going to explore some of that history, to see what makes these animals so special.

Watch Sea Turtle Torture,  Sea Turtles are dwindling in numbers, some species are on the brink of extinction. This video explores the human impact on these amazing creatures and how we can help protect them.

Notice to New York City Residents

     The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation now has a 24-hour tips line to report violations of protected species regulations. It is prohibited to sell any New York State species of reptiles and amphibians. If you see any New York species for sale in pet shops or markets, please call 1-800-847-7332. Report the name and address of the business, and the animals you observed for sale.

Turtle Care Video from the Mid-Atlantic Turtle & Tortoise Society

NYTTS Red-eared Slider Adoption Policy

     Unfortunately, we no longer have local homes for these turtles because of the high numbers that have come to us in recent years. We sometimes have members with ponds who may offer to take in displaced sliders. We do not accept postings by individuals for adoptions of any species. All adoptions are handled through official NYTTS channels, and notices will be emailed to members at the discretion of our Board. Those members wishing to place turtles or to be considered as prospective adopters of sliders and other species should email with their contact information and the species they are interested in placing or adopting. Photos of their turtle/tortoise habitats and accommodations should be provided. Photos of turtles to be placed should also be provided.

     For more information on the status of red-eared sliders, see Sliders, Siders, Everywhere.

Proceedings: Conservation, Restoration, and Management of
Tortoises and Turtles — An International Conference

Published by the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society, 1997, xxiv + 494 pages, 8½” × 11", softcover, 94 black-and-white and 14 color photos.  Peer-reviewed and updated papers from the July 1993 Purchase, New York, conference. 
“This volume is a goldmine of information on the population status, dynamics, and conservation prospects of the tortoises and turtles of the world.”   — Peter C. H. Pritchard
See volume description with abstracts.

A limited number of copies are still available and can be sent for a donation to NYTTS.
Please write

The Asian Turtle Crisis: An Update — Two videos taken 13 years apart show that little changed in the markets in Guangzhou, China, from 1997 to 2009. Compare the videos.

Clarifying Regulations in New York State for all Native Species:  The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation now requires a permit to keep any species of reptile and amphibian native to New York State. This includes all twelve species of New York turtles. The mechanism by which owners of New York turtles may acquire permits is being investigated.  Read and download an overview of the new regulations.

We gratefully acknowledge our contributors!

We heartily thank the many who have already contributed in 2024 as well as those throughout the pandemic.

Donors in 2024: Isaac Assor, Avy Aubin, Michelle Canion, John V. Emmanuel and Kallyn B. Krash, Lesley Fagen*, Michael Feller, Linda Gould, Michal-Lynn Gramby, Rhea Greenberg, Daniel Keebler Jr, Esther Koslow, Jerone Hsu, Danelle Leavitt, Eric Gabriel Lehman, Jinyue Liu, Kaitlin Long, Rosalie D MacHalow, Jeff Marino, Edward McCann, Regina McCarthy*, Mark Mellinger, Roberto Mendez, Karen Meyerhoff, Shalisa Miller, Patrick Moldowan, Joseph Olewnicki, PayPal Giving Fund, Daniel Peretz, Joyce Pietz, Pioneer Reptiles, LLC, Jacquelyn Plate, David Pollak, Richard Poppa, Mark Randall, Aneka Roberts, Silas Rock, Mary Rooney, Sean Rose, Katherine Rumpler, Cherlyn Russo, Cori-Ann Roublick*, Christopher Schoer, the Sheehan Family (in memoray of Phyllis Baumann), Thomas Shoesmith, Jodi Shook, Karl Sigman, Madeline Silverman, Marion Slade, K Sridhar, Kevin Sweeney, Sarah Torpey, Joelle Troisi, Benjamin Van Buren, Teresa Wasenius, Jillian Weinstein, Franklin Wetzel, Lorraine Wiener, and Karen Williams.

* Indicates recurring donations, a special thank you to Lesley Fagen, Regina McCarthy, and Cori-Ann Roublick for their recurring donations!


Membership in the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society is open to all interested persons for an annual fee of $25.  Your membership helps support the Society’s activities and programs, including Rescue/Rehab and Public Education, as well as meetings and lectures. Please click the Donate button below to go to our secure page at PayPal and specify “New Member” on the PayPal form. If you are renewing your membership, click the Donate button and specify “Renewing Membership” on the Paypal form.

  Donations to the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society are tax deductible and can be made online with your credit card by clicking the Donate button, or by sending a check payable to NYTTS, to NYTTS Donations, 15 Oakwood Avenue, Fl. 1, White Plains, NY 10605.

NYTTS Mailing List.  If you wish to be added or removed from our mailing list, please write

Questions?  Send your inquiries to the appropriate committee chair:
  • General Information — Turtle husbandry and health care, adoptions, NYTTS activities and general information. If you have a turtle-related question, write
  • Public Education and Information Chair — Barbara Daddario
         Public education programs and outreach events, adoptions
  • Director of Turtle Rehabilitation and Curriculum Development — Lorri Cramer
         Wild turtle rehab, injured, and sick turtles
  • Memberships and Sales — Allen Foust
         Membership inquiries and member records
  • Programs, Meetings, and Habitat Construction — Matt Hybel
         Speaker acquisition, scheduling, and design and construction of habitats
  • Conservation, Trade Issues, and Media — Allen Salzberg
         (See also, a free electronic newsletter.)
  • Webmaster — Jim Van Abbema

Prime Produce is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 community service organization located in Manhattan. We are very pleased they are now hosting our meetings. The venue is a fully equipped theatrical workshop space, which is ideal for our presenta­tions, and we look forward to our new partnership with Prime Produce in the future.