NYTTS Meetings from Fall 2011 to Spring 2012 Return to NYTTS Home Page

The Annual Turtle and Tortoise Show

Held Saturday, June 2, 2012

at the Village Community School, 272 West 10th Street, Greenwich Village, New York City

See photos of winners.

NYTTS Annual Seminar 2012

Held March 10, 2012, The Arsenal, Central Park

More than 80 persons attended Seminar 2012 on Saturday, March 10. Featured speakers included naturalist-artist David M. Carroll, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Bog Turtle Recovery Program Coordinator Alison Whitlock, and Chelonian Institute Director Peter C.H. Pritchard.

We gratefully acknowledge Director of Arsenal Operations Gary Rozman and his staff, and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.

See more photos and information.

Photo by Anita Salzberg

In Search of the Argentine Tortoise,
Presented by Maurice Rodrigues

Held January 29, 2012, The Arsenal, Central Park

In Search of the Argentine Tortoise, was presented by Maurice Rodrigues from the Turtle Conservancy and the Behler Chelonian Center. The video takes us on a journey through Uruguay and Argentina where we search for the native turtles and tortoises of the region. We travel along the scenic coastlines of Uruguay to the vast deserts and mountains of Patagonia and ultimately, to the hot impenetrable forests of the northern Chaco.

The focus of the trip was to study the Argentine land tortoise’s ecology, status, and distribution. There has been confusion in the scientific community as to how many distinct subspecies exist. and we were there to find answers to that question. We also found and documented the spiny-neck turtle (Acanthochelys spixii) and the Chaco side-neck turtle (A. pallidipectoris) in the field. The DVD of this video is available from the Turtle Conservancy. See the video In Search of the Argentine Tortoise.

Left: Maurice Rodriguez, January 29 meeting speaker (photo by Kay Martin).  Right: After-meeting lunch at Lorri’s: Bill Cermak, Suzanne Dohme, Kay Martin, Sara Ramos, Jim Van Abbema, Anita Salzberg, Allen Salzberg; Standing: Alex Ypsilanti and Lorri Cramer (photo by Mitch Cramer)

Dr. Raiti with box turtle patient
“Common Health Issues of Pet Chelonians”
Paul Raiti, DVM — Reptile Medicine Specialist

Held December 4, 2011, The Arsenal, Central Park

Dr. Paul Raiti is board certified in reptile and amphibian medicine and surgery. He is a past president of the Association of Reptilian & Amphibian Veterinarians (ARAV) and has authored numerous scientific papers and textbook chapters on reptile medicine & husbandry. He is a frequently invited speaker at veterinary conferences and is the co-editor and contributing author of the BSAVA Manual of Reptiles.

Review meetings in 2016–2017.

Review meetings in 2015–2016.

Review meetings in 2014–2015.

Review meetings in 2013–2014.

Review meetings in 2012–2013.

Review meetings in 2011–2012.