NYTTS Turtle Talk at Berkeley College, February 20, 2013

On February 20, NYTTS members Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, and Jim Van Abbema gave a turtle talk/ demonstration for Rabbi Jo David’s “Discovering Science” class at Berkeley College in Manhattan.  A new appreciation was gained by the class of 20, as species many had never seen before were passed around.

NYTTS conducts turtle talks for school and college classes. Instructors should inquire at info@nytts.org.

Photos by Rabbi Jo David

Barbara Daddario discusses invasive species, using a Red-eared Slider as an example.

George, the Red-footed Tortoise, strolls down
the center aisle of the classroom as students look on.

Student holds George. It was his favorite!

Matt holds up his Alligator Snapping Turtle, which made a strong impression on the class.

The hatchling Alligator Snapper made quite a hit, too.

The more adventurous students took turns holding the snapper . . .

. . . and so did Rabbi Jo David, instructor for the class!