NYTTS Turtle Talk at Berkeley College, July 22, 2013

On July 22, NYTTS members Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, and Jim Van Abbema gave a another turtle talk with live turtles for Rabbi Jo David’s “Discovering Science” class at Berkeley College in Manhattan. 

The class gained a new appreciation for turtles and tortoises. According to Rabbi Jo, many students indicated that “Turtle Day” as their favorite class in their end-of-term class evaluations.

NYTTS conducts turtle talks for school and college classes free of charge (contributions to the Society are gratefully accepted). Instructors should inquire at info@nytts.org.

Photos by Rabbi Jo David

Goerge, the Red-footed Tortoise, strolls down the center aisle of the classroom.

George gets a photo taken.

Student holds George. It was his favorite!

Barbara shows a large Mata Mata Turtle from South America.

Matt shows a small Common Snapping Turtle.

Matt holds his large Alligator Snapping Turtle.

A close-up look to show the pink worm-like lure on the snapper’s tongue

Matt holds a Spiny Soft-shelled Turtle.

Students examine an eastern box turtle