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The New York Turtle and Tortoise Society

Frank holds a giant mata-mata turtle (Chilus fimbriata). |
Frank Indiviglios That Reptile Blog
Frank Indiviglio, former Staten Island Zoo and Bronx Zoo keeper, and long-time friend of NYTTS, writes numersous articles for That Pet Place, especially for That Reptile Blog as well as others. More than 130 articles have been posted to date, covering pet care, natural history, Franks own experiences, and breaking research news. Frank writes all the articles for the Reptile Blog and for the Avian Blog, as well as many for the Fish Blog. Turtle folks may go directly to Franks collection of Turtle and Tortoise articles. Readers can leave comments, ask questions, and share observations. See also Franks biography of experiences.
Snapping Turtle Active in February
On February 14, 2012, Frank and his nephew Haiden discovered a large common snapper active in a small pool at the Alpine Boat Basin, Alpine, New Jersey (7 miles north of the George Washington Bridge). See story and photos.

Common Musk Turtle
(Sternotherus odoratus)

North American Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta)

Common amphipod, a freshwater shrimp (Gammarus roeselii)

Frank with alligator snapping turtle (Macroclemys temminckii)

Yellow-footed tortoise (Geochelone denticulata) |
Read the Turtle Posts on Franks That Reptile Blog:
Other Links of Interest:

The Latest Fad in China

Millions of young African Clawed Frogs are being colored with industrial dyes and sold as short-lived novelties. Read Franks report on this latest round of abuse: Amphibian Abuse Neon Dyed Frogs Wildly Popular in Chinese Pet Stores