NYTTS Celebrates Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for Fifth Year Saturday, May 3. 2014
Judith Barber, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, Frank Schneider, and Jim Van Abbema fielded turtle questions for the largest crowd yet, and Judth gave the kids turtle stamps for their cards. Native New York turtles on display included a diamondback terrapin, two spotted turtles, a common snapping turtle, an eastern spiny soft-shelled turtle, a wood turtle, an eastern mud turtle, and a common musk turtle. Out-of-state Amerian turtles included a gulf coast box turtle, an ornate box turtle, a western painted turtle, an alligator snapping turtle, and a red-eared slider. Non-native species included a South American red-footed tortoise, an Asian elongated tortoise, a Burmese brown mountain tortoise, a Central American wood turtle, and an African mud turtle. |