NYTTS Joins Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for Fourth Year Saturday, May 4. 2013
The sun was shining brightly but with a cool breeze in the air as Lorri and Mitch Cramer, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, Frank Schneider, and Jim Van Abbema fielded turtle questions, while Judith Barber administered colorful turtle stamps to the kids. Native New York turtles on display included a diamondback terrapin, a spotted turtle, a common snapping turtle, an eastern spiny soft-shelled turtle, and eastern box turtles. Non-native species included a red-footed tortoise (to show the difference between a tortoise and a turtle), an African mud turle (a side-neck to demonstrate this suborder of turtles), an alligator snapping turtle, and of course, a red-eared slider. |