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A Quiet Masterwork of Ecological Art

January 3, 2009

The Man Who Planted Trees, a beautiful 1987 animated film, can be watched for free online. It's about half an hour long, absolutely riveting, beautifully drawn, and very moving. Besides that, it's an object lesson in the life-giving, reverberating power of the simple act of planting trees.*

The Man Who Planted Trees

Still from The Man Who Planted Trees

After watching it, you might feel moved to plant some yourself. At the Green World Campaign, contributions are accepted. Please spread the word about either or both of these lovely things. Happy New Year!

*The Man Who Planted Trees again (audio only, set to the music the Paul Winter Consort).

Annie Gottlieb
See the first post: “Little Worms-In-The-Pocket”
(Annie Gottlieb)

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