NYTTS Celebrated Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for the Ninth Year, Saturday, May 5, 2018

The weather was perfect and it brought out a large diverse crowd, which was fascinated with the NYTTS display. Society mem­bers Judith Barber, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, Anita and Allen Salzberg, Frank Schneider, and Jim Van Abbema all helped show turtles and field questions. Anita and Judith gave the kids turtle stamps for their animal cards.

Native New York species included an Eastern Box Turtle, a Diamond-backed Terrapin, an Eastern Mud Turtle, a Common Musk Turtle, a Common Snapping Turtle, and a Wood Turtle. Out-of-state American turtles included an Alligator Snapping Turtle and a Red-eared Slider. Non-native species included a Burmese Brown Tortoise, a South American Red-footed Tortoise, and a Russian Tortoise.

The event is sponsored annually by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation and the Urban Park Rangers. This year we returned again to Highbridge Park in upper Manhattan.

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Photos by Anita Salzberg unless marked © Allen Salzberg or by Judith Barber