NYTTS Celebrates Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for Sixth Year — Saturday, May 9. 2015

The day was cool and a bit cloudy, but that did not diminish the en­thusiasm for the NYTTS tent at the Urban Wildlife Ap­preciation Day in Inwood Hill Park. The event is sponsored an­nually by the New York City Depart­ment of Parks & Recrea­tion and the Urban Park Rangers.

Judth Barber, Mitch and Lorri Cramer, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, and Jim Van Abbema fielded turtle questions, and Judth gave the kids turtle stamps for their cards. Native New York tur­tles on display in­cluded a dia­mondback terrapin, a common snap­ping turtle, a wood turtle, an eastern mud turtle, and a com­mon musk turtle, and an eastern box turtle. Out-of-state Amerian tur­tles included a western painted turtle, an alligator snapping turtle, and a red-eared slider. Non-native species included a South American red-footed tortoise, a Burmese brown mountain tortoise, a Central American wood turtle, and a Chinese soft-shelled turtle.