NYTTS Celebrates Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for Fifth Year — Saturday, May 3. 2014

NYTTS is a regular attraction at the Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day in Inwood Hill Park at the top of Manhattan (this was the fifth year). The event is spon­sored by the New York City Depart­ment of Parks & Recre­ation and the Urban Park Ran­gers. Similar events are held on the same day in parks in other boroughs.

Judith Barber, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, Frank Schneider, and Jim Van Abbema fielded turtle ques­tions for the largest crowd yet, and Judth gave the kids turtle stamps for their cards. Native New York turtles on display included a diamondback terrapin, two spotted turtles, a common snapping turtle, an eastern spiny soft-shelled turtle, a wood turtle, an eastern mud turtle, and a common musk turtle. Out-of-state Amerian turtles included a gulf coast box turtle, an ornate box turtle, a western painted turtle, an alligator snapping turtle, and a red-eared slider. Non-native species included a South American red-footed tortoise, an Asian elongated tortoise, a Burmese brown mountain tortoise, a Central American wood turtle, and an African mud turtle.