NYTTS Joins Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day for Fourth Year — Saturday, May 4. 2013

Photos by Roberta Raeburn
Urban Wildlife Appreciation Day was held this year again in In­wood Hill Park at the top of Man­hattan. The event is spon­dsored by the New York City Depart­ment of Parks & Recreation and the Urban Park Rangers. Similar events were held in parks in other boroughs.

The sun was shining brightly but with a cool breeze in the air as Lorri and Mitch Cramer, Barbara Daddario, Matt Hybel, Frank Schneider, and Jim Van Abbema fielded turtle questions, while Judith Barber administered color­ful turtle stamps to the kids. Na­tive New York turtles on display included a diamondback terrapin, a spotted turtle, a common snap­ping turtle, an eastern spiny soft-shelled turtle, and eastern box turtles. Non-native species included a red-footed tortoise (to show the difference between a tortoise and a turtle), an African mud turle (a side-neck to demonstrate this suborder of turtles), an alligator snapping turtle, and of course, a red-eared slider.